Trace3ability Across Industries 2024 Value Chain Summit and Go Green!! Hackathon with three pictures for food, pill bottles and car part

Traceability Across Industries
2024 Value Chain Summit & Go Green!! Hackathon

July 15, 2024

Visibility and traceability are a supply chain challenge facing many industries, especially pharma, manufacturing, and food and agriculture. Initially, these efforts may be to comply with regulatory requirements; however, achieving visibility and traceability establishes a competitive advantage and builds trust from customers. Mark your calendars and plan to join the Axia Institute in Midland, MI, Oct. 19-22, for the “Traceability Across Industries” 2024 Value Chain Summit and Go Green!! Hackathon! Registration is open for the Value Chain Summit! The Go Green!! Hackathon! is seeking sponsors and collecting contact information for teams who may be interested. 

Collaborating for Success

Bridging the gap from theory to real-world application.


Developing Your Skills

Graduate studies, certificate programs and seminars in value chain creation and optimization.


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