Virtual Healthcare RFID Workshop

October 29, 2021

With continued focus on increasing patient safety and operational efficiencies, many healthcare leaders are beginning to explore the benefits of EPC-enabled RFID technology.

To help healthcare with this discovery, GS1 US will be facilitating a free virtual workshop on October 29, 2021.

Gain real-world insights into how EPC-enabled RFID is currently being used in healthcare and help define and prioritize industry needs to further enable open, interoperable, standards-based solutions. The results of this workshop will be presented to GS1 US leadership for planning activity in 2022.

Workshop Topics

  • Introduction of RFID technology and value of GS1 Standards
  • RFID-enabled use cases highlighted by industry leaders
  • Identification of opportunities for healthcare
  • Develop consensus on needs to address moving forward

Virtual Healthcare RFID Workshop
Date: October 29, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Collaborating for Success

Bridging the gap from theory to real-world application.


Developing Your Skills

Graduate studies, certificate programs and seminars in value chain creation and optimization.


The Axia Institute

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