
2024 Axia Value Chain Summit

2024 Axia Value Chain Summit

The Axia Institute will host a Value Chain Summit on October 23 – 24, 2023 in Midland, MI titled Sustaining Success: Building a Resilient Value Chain Ecosystem.

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John Hatfield Shares Presentation on Value Chain and Innovation at an Event Hosted by the Midland Business Alliance

John Hatfield Shares Presentation on Value Chain and Innovation at an Event Hosted by the Midland Business Alliance

The Midland Business Alliance recently held a luncheon for entrepreneurs and innovators featuring a presentation by the Axia Institute’s Executive Director, John Hatfield. The event was sponsored by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and was well-attended by a variety of business leaders and entrepreneurs interested in learning more about value chains and innovation.

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Bahar Aliakbarian presents at RAIN RFID Alliance’s Healthcare Workgroup

Bahar Aliakbarian presents at RAIN RFID Alliance’s Healthcare Workgroup

Axia’s Bahar Aliakbarian, PhD traveled to South Carolina to facilitate RAIN RFID Alliance’s Healthcare Workgroup in an informative discussion on TIPP for RAIN Tagged Medications. During the session, she lead the audience through Axia’s approach to define TIPP grades for pharmaceuticals and the extensive testing capabilities housed in Axia Lab.

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Axia Institute Offices Relocate to MSU St. Andrews

Axia Institute Offices Relocate to MSU St. Andrews

Michigan State University’s Axia Institute is pleased to announce that it will be moving to the MSU St. Andrews research facility at 1910 W. St Andrews Rd, in Midland from its offices in Midland’s East End building at the end of 2022.

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Potential Impact of Digital Technology Solutions on The New Soo Locks

Potential Impact of Digital Technology Solutions on The New Soo Locks

The Axia Institute’s Dr. Aliakbarian and Michigan State University’s David Closs conducted interviews and soo locks activity level research to evaluate various digital technology solutions for the construction and operation of the second soo lock in the Axia Institute’s newly published white paper.

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Interoperable RFID End-to-End Pilot Planning

Interoperable RFID End-to-End Pilot Planning

The Axia Institute held an Interoperable RFID End-to-End Pilot Planning in early August with several shareholders along the healthcare value chain. Read more to learn about the objectives and next steps of the pilot.

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